Whole Person Paradigm
Life Consciousness has given conscious physical embodiment to itself through the singular, all-inclusive neutral Body:Human.
The singular, all-inclusive neutral Life Consciousness/Body:Human (Fig 1) is all that exists within time and space within the Earth Cell.
Without the singular, all-inclusive neutral Body:Human, there would be nothing to experience through ‘one-dimensional’ emotionally charged interactive physical experiences with other life forms or things within the Earth Cell. The singular, all-inclusive neutral Body:Human (Fig 1) releases a mirror-image duality of itself (Fig 1a) in order to create an opportunity for the co-creation of an emotionally charged interactive physical experience (Fig 1b) so it can bring itself into creative form and develop its own unique singular DNA Consciousness (Fig 1c).
At the moment of conception, the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell is whole within itself (Fig 1c). All that it is, and will ever become during its life journey, is contained within itself. Everything that it will do, it will do for itself, within itself, through itself, by itself, in its own timing. The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness is self-directed and self-motivated to bring itself into form through one-dimensional, emotionally charged interactive physical experiences within itself in time and space, so it can creatively express and embody its own unique consciousness.
Approximately 5 - 7 days after conception, Life Consciousness temporarily attaches the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell to the Uterus, by way of the placental membrane, so it can bring itself into creative form (Fig 2). For approximately 9 months, the DNA Whole Cell puts itself together in the outer world from the inside out, in the dark, following a Life Consciousness Blueprint that only it can read.
fig. 2 |
The singular, all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell that is ordained and sustained at conception (Fig 1c), is in absolute control of how that unique DNA Consciousness Whole Cell will creatively express itself throughout its life journey.
There is nothing outside the all-inclusive DNA Consciousness Whole Cell that will influence or determine a direction of movement during its entire life journey within the Earth Cell.
The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness becomes aware of its unique creative attributes and gifts through its own self-directed, one-dimensional, emotionally charged interactive physical experience with another life form or thing in time and space within the Earth Cell. The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness directs itself through its internal Mental Body interpreter, provides the opportunity for limitless movement through its formless neutral Physical Body, and expresses itself with other life forms and things in time and space through its animated Emotional Body.
If the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter motivates and directs itself, from within itself, through its Mental Body by asking thoughtful questions - Who am I? Where did I come from? and What am I doing here? – it will become aware of itself and all that it represents, and all that it is connected to and sustained by, through its own unique infolding/unfolding creative consciousness.
On the other hand, if the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter listens to, and is directed by, the voices of those who appear to exist beyond itself in time and space, it will end up creating and developing a reactionary word-based thinking process that will always make non-experientially-based statements, centered on judgments and comparisons, and be fed and fuelled by the controlling actions and words of those beyond itself in time and space.
The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter creates words (for example, in the English language) from 26 letters and spaces that act as building blocks for the English language. The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter decides the direction for creative movement through the words it creates from the 26 letters and spaces, and also their meaning and purpose.
The words that are thoughtfully created by a developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter create the possibility of a spontaneous functional reality that only has meaning and purpose to the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness creating it. No other life form can ever see how the singular, developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter is using the words, or the internal reality they create in any given moment.