Principles of Holistic Natural Movement
The Life Consciousness Ordained and Sustained Blueprint
There is a functional Life Consciousness/Body:Human Blueprint that every developing CHILD (Creative Human Infinitely Living Divinely from within) follows. It begins with the alignment of the sperm and egg through an interactive experience. This alignment is followed by the movement that brings about their fusion together and creates the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell. Then the Blueprint sustains the Whole Cell throughout its entire life journey.
Two electronically charged physical components |
Sperm/Egg fused by LIFE Consciousness |
All-inclusive Body:Human outer energy field created |
Opportunity created for inner energy field |
Life Consciousness creating inner energy field |
All-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness |
In the physical world within the Earth Cell, blueprints are continuously used to ensure the creative expressiveness of animal species, plant species, micro and macro-ecosystems, all to ensure the independence and interdependence of all living systems that constitute Life within the Earth Cell.
When conception occurs, the Body:Human negatively (-) charged egg and positively (+) charged sperm are fused together by Life Consciousness to create an ongoing, internally expressed, (-) infolding, (+) unfolding electrical energy field. The electrical energy field provides the means for the genetic light patterning from the egg and sperm to be separately fused together to create the expressive form and structure of an individual Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint that can read itself.
The moment the structure of the individual Body:Human DNA Consciousness molecule is formed, the individualized Blueprint becomes activated and functional, and is continuously sustained within the internal movement pattern created by the negatively (-) and positively (+) charged electrical energy field. Nothing can be added to, or taken away from, this self-contained DNA Consciousness structure.
The Blueprint is being followed from within the center of the DNA Consciousness molecule to the outer edge of what that DNA Consciousness molecule constitutes in physical form and structure. Infolding/unfolding from its center to its outer edge at the same time as it is unfolding/infolding from its outer edge to its center, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness is continuously creating one-dimensional, interactive physical experiences in its own timing - within itself, for itself, by itself, through itself - in order to bring itself into a multi-dimensionally expressive physical form approximately 9 months later.
From the moment of conception, the developing Life Consciousness/ Body:Human DNA Consciousness is creating and sustaining its own internal identity reference point of who and what it is. This identity reference point will be utilized in order to form the functional foundation for the Blueprint for how the developing individual Body:Human DNA Consciousness will interact within itself, as well how it will interact from within itself to the outer edge of itself, within the Earth Cell, with other life forms. The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness will also use this identity reference point to create and sustain a self-evolving consciousness interpreter to perceive, process, translate, organize and create the meaning and purpose of those interactive physical experiences it has with other life forms within the Earth Cell from its birth, onward.
For approximately 5 - 7 days after conception, by Life Consciousness' Design, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness identity reference point is created and sustained within the (-) to (+) internal (electrical) energy field. This self-serving identity reference point continuously represents the movements of the developing DNA Consciousness throughout the entire life journey of the developing Body:Human female/male form and structure.
The developing DNA Consciousness is continuously aligned to, and separately moving within, the all-inclusive Life Consciousness/Body:Human fabric that created its beginning, and that sustains its ongoing self-directed expressive flow of movement with other life forms within the Earth Cell.
fig. 1
I AM as determined by my (-) infolding/(+) unfolding DNA structure. Life Consciousness temporarily connects my formless form to a life form beyond me so I can bring my physical form into creative expression and develop my own unique DNA Consciousness. |
After 5 – 7 days, as the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness naturally infolds/unfolds within its own unique, self-contained, Whole Cell Blueprint, a second process occurs from within the Whole Cell as it is brought into alignment with the wall of the uterus. A placental membrane develops on the outer edge of the Whole Cell (Fig. 1). This membrane both temporarily connects the developing Body:Human Whole Cell to, and keeps it separated from, the uterus of the Body:Human female being used by Life Consciousness to bring the developing DNA Consciousness into form.
The Whole Cell and the uterus wall both share the same common interactive physical experience through the exchanges of waste/nutrients as they pass through the placental membrane. The effect from the shared common interactive physical experience is unique and singular to the Whole Cell and the host Body:Human female, and only the Whole Cell and the host Body:Human female, separately, will be aware of how they have been affected by the interactive physical experience. The effects of the interactive physical experience will be used, separately, to develop the ever-evolving DNA Consciousness for each.
According to the Life Consciousness/Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint, the above described alignment is absolutely necessary in order for the developing one-dimensional DNA Consciousness to create its own multi-dimensional Consciousness through continuous, one-dimensional, interactive physical experiences with other life forms and things within the elements of time and space within the Earth Cell. Without this temporary connection to, and separation from, the uterus wall, the elements of time and space would not be able to exist for the developing DNA Consciousness to use in order to develop its own self-directed consciousness through its own emotionally charged, active and passive, interactive physical experiences.
The placenta acts as the separation and connection to the physical world that exists beyond the outer edge of the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell form. The placenta also represents the interactive physical experience that the uterus and developing DNA Consciousness share and that affects each, separately, in different ways.
fig. 2
I AM in creative control of what I put out through my interactive formless form. I am not in control of how the other life form uses what I put out. |
All waste material released from the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell goes to the placenta (Fig. 2). From the placenta, this material is released into the lining of the uterus wall, where it is picked up and taken away.
fig. 3
I AM in creative control of what I do with what I receive from my interactive experience with the other life form. I am not in control of what the other life form gives to me. |
At the same time, nutrients can be received from the maternal blood supply through the wall of the uterus, to the placenta, and then to the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell (Fig.3). The developing Body:Human Whole Cell will use these nutrients appropriately, based entirely on the unique Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint being followed.
fig. 4 - The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell for the first 5 - 7 days after conception. |
From the infolding/unfolding Body:Human Whole Cell's perspective, within itself, it is all that exists
(Fig. 4). Every self-developing movement that it is creatively manifesting and moving through exists solely within itself, for itself, by itself, through itself, in its own timing and by its own unique, individual design. The Body:Human DNA Consciousness is following the naturally occurring Life Consciousness/ Body:Human Blueprint, and the natural infolding to its center from its outer edge/unfolding from its outer edge to its center design is evident throughout the developing DNA Consciousness’ entire life journey.
fig. 5 - At birth, the CHILD experiences separation from, and connection to, the world beyond itself in time and space. |
At birth, the arriving Body:Human DNA Conscious Physical Body becomes aware and awakened to the separation from and connection to the world beyond itself, for the sole purpose of being able to bring itself into expressive form through continuous, one-dimensional, interactive physical experiences in time and space (Fig. 5). In this way, it can develop its own multi-dimensional consciousness within its all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness. From within the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness, a continuous dialogue is taking place through the Life Consciousness/Body:Human ordained and sustained Mental Body ‘interpreter’. This interpreter is created and given creative expression within the Conscious Physical Body from birth, onward, so the Blueprint can be created, sustained, and utilized continuously along the Body:Human's expressive life journey.
fig. 6
From the moment the physical Body:Human CHILD is brought into time and space within the Earth Cell at birth, language is used as a tool by those beyond it to create order for their own experiences and for the experiences of the developing Body:Human CHILD. (Fig. 6.)
Language that is controlled by those beyond affects the CHILD’s self-developing and self-directed consciousness within its own developing DNA Consciousness, within its own center of being. (Fig. 7).
At the moment of birth, the 5(+) physical senses are activated and sustained by the Body:Human DNA Consciousness through the Interactive Emotional Body (fig. 8). These 5(+) senses are the ‘doers’, the ones used by the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness to create an expressive interaction with another life form or thing within the Earth Cell. These 5(+) physical senses are: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
As soon as the 5(+) physical senses are activated from the center outward to the outer edge of the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness form, there are also 5(-) physical senses activated by the developing DNA Consciousness (Fig. 9). These 5(-) physical senses are the ‘receivers’, the ones used by the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness interpreter to determine what impact the interactive experience has on me for developing my consciousness. The 5(-) senses are activated from the outer edge of the developing Body:Human form, inwards toward its center. The 5(-) senses record all information that occurs within the physical, one-dimensional interaction the developing Body:Human has with another life form or thing within time and space. The 5(-) physical senses are also: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, but they are the internal manifestation of the 5 parallel (+) external senses.
The Life Consciousness Blueprint's Parallel Worlds
The Life Consciousness Blueprint shows 3 parallel worlds for the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness CHILD within the womb and within the Earth Cell in time and space.
1. At Conception, and at Birth into Time and Space:
Conception: Inside the Womb
Birth into Time and Space
I am Whole within myself. I am here to bring myself into creative form.
2. An interactive physical experience in the womb, and within time and space:
The Body Human DNA Consciousness creates an emotionally charged interactive physical experience in order to receive the nutrients it needs to develop its own DNA Consciousness within itself.
The Body:Human CHILD creates an emotionally charged interactive physical experience in time and space in order to receive the nutrients it needs to develop its own DNA Consciousness within itself.
3. The Internal developing consciousness of the Body:Human DNA Consciousness, and the development of the DNA Consciousness within time and space through interactive physical experiences with another life form or thing:
I am the Life Consciousness Body:Human. |
I am the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Conscious Physical Body.

The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates an emotionally charged interactive physical experience in time and space in order to develop its own unique consciousness. It is always 1 of 2 physical components co-creating the interactive physical experience.
The Body:Human Blueprint tools used in this website
At Conception:

Life Consciousness fuses the Body:Human sperm/egg components together in the Blue Arc Portal to create the opportunity for the (+) to (-) external energy field to be created and sustained.

Life Consciousness ordained the neutral Body:Human outer edge (+) to (-) electrical energy field when the sperm/egg components were fused together in the Blue Arc Portal at conception.

The Life Consciousness Body:Human ordains and sustains a developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness that has an internal (-) to (+) and an external (+) to (-) energy field.
At Birth into Time and Space:

The Life Consciousness ordained neutral all-inclusive Body:Human is given the opportunity for creative expression in time and space from birth onward through its outer edge (+) to (-) energy

The Life Consciousness ordained neutral all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates the internal (-) to (+) electrically charged energy field that will create and sustain the developing Body:Human Consciousness.

The all-inclusive Body:Human Consciousness creates the opportunity for the developing Body:Human Consciousness to develop its own self-directed, emotionally charged interactive physical experiences through its (-) to (+) internal and (+) to (-) external energy fields.
From Birth onward in Time and Space:
The neutral Conscious Physical Body |
The neutral Conscious Physical Body |
The Interactive Emotional Body |

The Life Consciousness ordained neutral all-inclusive Body:Human creates the opportunity for limitless creative movement through the Conscious Physical Body external (+) to (-) energy field.

The Life Consciousness all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness infolds/unfolds within itself through the internal
(-) to (+) electrical energy field in order to create a possible direction for movement so it can create an experience through its external (+) to (-) energy field.

The Life Consciousness all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates the opportunity for the Conscious Physical Body to give creative expression to the Interactive Emotional Body in time and space through its 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses.
The neutral Conscious Physical Body. |

The Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates a direction to move in from within its (-) to (+) internal energy field, within its neutral Conscious Physical Body, and creatively expresses it in time and space through the external (+) to (-) energy field of the Interactive Emotional Body.
Body:Human Consciousness ordains and sustains the components of the Experiential Mental Body
#1 The neutral Conscious Physical Body creates the opportunity for limitless movement .

Within the frontal area of the Conscious Physical Body’s brain matrix, the Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates and sustains a developing consciousness interpreter that uses the 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses to express, record, process, organize, and determine the purpose of each physical experience the Interactive Emotional Body has in time and space with another life form or thing. The Experiential Mental Body interpreter uses thoughts based on letters and spaces as a tool to create possible realities for itself within itself, and within time and space. The thoughts are based on its own interactive physical experiences. The 'I' is first and the 'you' is second. |
The Experiential Mental Body records and uses other people’s (-) and (+) polarized word-based language to create an internally expressed (only) thinking process. The interpreter is constantly moving between (-) and (+) words in order to create a thought-based direction in time and space in order to create an interactive physical experience with another life form or thing. The Mental Body thinks about its recorded interactive experience, and creatively uses the one-dimensional characters it creates and controls in order to develop its own consciousness. |
The Experiential Mental Body interpreter creates an internal thinking process that looks at the (+) and (-) effects of an interactive physical experience in order to develop its own consciousness. The interpreter is aware that what it is putting together in its thinking can never be real, for it controls all movement. |
The Experiential Mental Body interpreter creates an illusionary internal thinking process that is based on the words spoken by those beyond it; that try to control the movements of its physical body in time and space. The ‘you’ is first, and the ‘I’ is second. ‘You are my child; ‘I’ am your parent. The developing child is taught that it controls the movements of those beyond itself, and that what it puts together in its thinking about those beyond itself is real.
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