Principles of Holistic Natural Movement
Through the Life Consciousness ordained and sustained process of conception - when the electrically charged (+) sperm and (-) egg are fused in the portal of Life Consciousness - each Body:Human life journey becomes singular and unique by Life’s natural design.
There are Four independent yet simultaneously integrated components moving harmoniously in the creation and ongoing expression of an interactive experience within each unique Body:Human life journey. The Four components follow the same ‘firing sequence’ in any creatively unfolding physical and emotionally charged interactive experience in time and space.
The Four components are: (1) The all-inclusive physical embodiment of Life Consciousness - the Body:Human; (2) The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Conscious Physical Body, female/male; (3) The positive (+) and negative (-) electrically charged Interactive (in time and space) Emotional Body; (4) The DNA Consciousness recording, processing, and organizing Experiential Mental Body.
1) The all-inclusive physical embodiment of Life Consciousness - the Body:Human.
2) The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Conscious Physical Body, female/male. |
3) The positive (+) and negative (-) electrically charged Interactive (in time and space) Emotional Body. |
4) The Body:Human DNA Consciousness recording, processing, and organizing Experiential Mental Body. |
The Four Components of the Body:Human
The alignment and integration of the Three Bodies (see 2,3,4 above) creatively manifests the ongoing creation and evolution of the ever infolding/unfolding developing Creative Consciousness Body - which is created and sustained within the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Conscious Physical Body, which is created and sustained within (1) the all-inclusive Life Consciousness Body:Human.
The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint revealed
The Body:Human DNA Consciousness is naturally wired positive (+) to negative (-) in its natural electrical field from before conception, through conception and through all the internal developmental and external experiential stages throughout its life journey.
Life Consciousness
brings the two
electrically charged
physical components of the Body:Human
together. |
Life Consciousness
fuses the (-) charged
egg and (+) charged
sperm to open the
Blue Arc Portal. |
The fusion of the (-)
charged egg and (+)
charged sperm within the Blue Arc Portal creates and sustains the outer edge (+) to (-) energy field of the neutral all-inclusive
Body:Human. |
The genetic material
from the (-) egg and (+) sperm create the
opportunity for the
energized (-) to (+)
inner electrical field to be formed. |
Life Consciousness brings forth the inner (-) to (+) electrically charged energy field that will create and sustain the developing Body:Human
Consciousness. |
The developing
Body:Human DNA
Consciousness, either female or male. |
The DNA Consciousness driven physical brain of the Body:Human female/male is naturally wired positive (+) to negative (-) through emotionally charged interactive physical experiences. These interactive physical experiences are creatively manifested in time and space through the Conscious Physical Body and are expressed and recorded through the 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell.
The Body:Human is creatively brought into formless form following the ‘Life Consciousness’ created and supported ‘DNA Blueprint’ that is created through and maintained by the all-inclusive ‘Life Consciousness Design.’ The DNA Blueprint is a tool for the Body:Human to use in order to consciously create the world it would choose to create and experience for itself in order to develop its own consciousness from its own self-created physical experience. The creative energy available within the Life Consciousness ordained and sustained Body:Human is limitless. The Life Intelligence morphed Body:Human creates the opportunity for Language to be created and functional within the Body:Human. The creative availability of Language allows the Body:Human to organize thought processes that can be used as a tool to consciously create the direction it desires to move in (from within itself) in order to create an interactive experience through itself in time and space. By creating thought as a tool, the Body:Human can manifest its own self-created and self-directed and interactive physical experiences so it can develop its own creative consciousness in its own timing.