Whole Person Paradigm
The Experiential Mental Body
Who Am I?
I am the Experiential Mental Body that creatively expresses itself within and through the Body:Human DNA Consciousness-created interpreter.
I am the Conscious Physical Body that is given
creative expression within and through the
Body:Human DNA Consciousness.
I am the Conscious Physical Body.
I am the Experiential Mental Body. I have been given creative expression by the Body:Human DNA Consciousness through the alignment and integration of the Conscious Physical Body and Interactive Emotional Body. I play back the actual physical experience the Emotional Body co-created with another life form or thing in time and space, where the Emotional Body is always just 1 of 2 components in a physical experience.
Where did I come from?
I was given creative activation within the Conscious Physical Body at birth through the Interactive Emotional Body’s 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses. The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint creatively manifests a formless functional interpreter that appears to exist within the frontal lobe of the Conscious Physical Body’s brain. My developing DNA Consciousness uses the interpreter to create and follow my own story using physical experiences as I move along on my life journey. Through the interpreter I create my own unique evolving consciousness.
What am I doing here?
I record and play back within the brain matrix of the Conscious Physical Body, the actual emotionally charged, interactive physical experience I co-created with another life form or thing in time and space. I do this so I can develop my own consciousness from my own self-created experiences.
I express, record, process, organize and determine the meaning and purpose all incoming data collected through the 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses that the Interactive Emotional Body uses within the Conscious Physical Body. I eventually use ‘thought’ as a tool for creating the direction of movement for me to go in order to create more experiences for myself in time and space. Through this ongoing evolving process, I develop my own multi-dimensional consciousness, in my own timing, and by my own design.
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