Whole Person Paradigm
The Life Consciousness Body:Human
The all-inclusive physical embodiment of Life Consciousness, which gives creative expression to the Body:Human, which gives creative expression to the Body:Human DNA Consciousness--female/male,
The all-inclusive physical embodiment
of Life Consciousness: The Body:Human.
Life Consciousness ordained and sustained the outer edge (+) to (-) electrical energy field of the neutral, all-inclusive Body:Human when the sperm and egg were fused together in the Blue Arc Portal.
I am the physical embodiment of Life Consciousness, inclusive
of all life. I am the neutral, all-inclusive Body:Human.
Who Am I?
I am the physical embodiment of Life Consciousness, inclusive of all life. I am the neutral, all-inclusive Body:Human. I am the developing Body:Human Consciousness, that has an open doorway to the limitless, all-inclusive Life Consciousness creative energies..
Where did I come from?
I creatively exist and I am sustained within the all-inclusive Life Consciousness Blue Arc Portal of creative energies. The creative energy Portal is where all forms are connected to, and separated from, each other. This Portal is opened at conception and remains open throughout my life journey. This Portal of creative energies can only be accessed from within me by how I use my thoughts. Asking the right questions, and following my own self-created story, assures that I will consciously arrive at where I have always been.
What am I doing here?
I am here to consciously awaken to my connectedness to, and separation from, all other life forms that creatively exist within the all-inclusive Earth Cell, and to use my Body:Human DNA Consciousness-driven and experientially-based insights to make the world a better place for the evolving CHILD (Creative Human Infinitely Living Divinely from within) before I leave.
How will I do this?
I have created an easy to follow Blueprint for the Body:Human, using four creative Bodies as tools for developing my own consciousness and for aligning myself to the overall Life Consciousness that created and sustains my formless form while I am moving along my life journey.
Practical Application of this Paradigm
To open to the awareness of this Life Consciousness ordained and sustained Body, the Body:Human need only retrace its present experiential stepping-stones into its past movements – through its own desire to find the truth of its origin – through its birth into time and space, back through 9 months of development, to the moment the DNA Whole Cell was creatively ordained by Life Consciousness, releasing from that point and asking: where do I go from here, to the sperm of my father or the egg of my mother?
At conception, the outer edge of the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell is naturally hard-wired positive (+) to negative (-) when the (+) sperm is physically aligned to the (-) egg and they are fused together by Life Consciousness within the Blue Arc Portal. Approximately 5-7 days later, Life Consciousness temporarily connects the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell to the uterus through the placental membrane and creates the ongoing opportunity for interactive experiences to occur.
The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell creates a positively (+) charged alignment to the neutrally charged placental membrane, thereby allowing waste material to pass from the Whole Cell to the placenta, and then to the uterus for disposal through the blood of the Body:Human female host. At the same time, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness also creates a negatively (-) charged alignment to the neutrally charged placental membrane, thereby allowing the Whole Cell to receive nutrients through the placental membrane (from the uterus) in order for it bring itself into creative form. The Body:Human Whole Cell cannot receive the nutrients it needs within itself from the placental membrane until it first gives up something to the placental membrane. The act of ‘giving up something’ automatically opens the door to ‘receiving something’. This is how the natural balance is achieved within and through the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness..