Whole Person Paradigm
The Interactive Emotional Body

Interactive Emotional Body
The Body:Human DNA Consciousness is creatively manifested through the emotionally charged physical interaction and fusion of the two one-dimensional physical components (egg and sperm). The development of the manifesting Body:Human DNA Consciousness is ordained and sustained by Life Consciousness within the Blue Arc Portal at conception. |
Neutral Conscious Physical Body. |
Who Am I?
In the very beginning of the Body:Human’s life journey, Life Consciousness’ Blueprint gave me creative expression through the interactive movements and fusion of the Life Consciousness/Body:Human’s two one-dimensional physical components.
At birth, I am the Interactive Emotional Body. I am (+) to (-) electrically charged and emotionally animated in time and space while I am co-creating an interactive physical experience with another life form or thing.
Where did I come from?
At the moment of conception, the Life Consciousness/Body:Human’s two physical components (egg/sperm) had an emotionally charged interactive physical experience that activated the Blue Arc Portal. This was the first step in bringing forth the alignment and integration of the genetic material of each to eventually form the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell.
When the egg/sperm fusion was ordained by Life Consciousness, the outer edge of the neutral all-inclusive Body:Human Whole Cell became electrically charged (+) to (-). This Life Consciousness ordained (+) to (-) electrical charge would eventually allow the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell to be temporarily connected to the uterus by way of the placental membrane. Once the connection was in place, the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell and the uterus shared a common interactive physical experience through the function of the placental membrane. The placental membrane connected the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell and uterus together, and also kept them separated from each other.
I was given creative expression through the Life Consciousness ordained process of birth, when the neutral Conscious Physical Body was released from the womb and its 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses were fully activated and engaged within the interactive world beyond, in time and space.
What am I doing here?
I am here to create my own unique emotionally charged interactive physical experiences in time and space with another life form or thing, so I can develop my own consciousness through my own unique design, and in my own timing. I am always one of two one-dimensional interactive physical components in any time and space contained experience.
Practical Application of this Paradigm
As an example, I will use meeting a friend for coffee at a coffee shop. I walk through the doorway and spot my friend sitting at a table, sipping a coffee. I greet my friend with a smile and a hug, then order my coffee. With coffee in hand I proceed to sit at the table and our dialogue begins.
As we are communicating back and forth, expressing all sorts of words and emotionally animated gestures, each of us continues to slowly finish our coffee. Time passes quickly and I have to leave for another appointment. I hug my friend, say goodbye and head out the door and down the street, leaving my friend sitting at the table.
In this time and space contained experience there are three points to consider: #1 I, #2 my friend and #3 the experience of drinking coffee. The context and the content of the discussion between my friend and me is singular and unique to each, and is never seen or heard by the other. I cannot see what my friend is telling me about his experiences, and my friend cannot see what I am telling him about my experiences. My experience is my experience, and his experience is his experience (Fig. 1).

The singular, all-inclusive Body:Human DNA Consciousness uses thought, within and through the neutral Conscious Physical Body, to create a direction to move in time and space. The neutral Conscious Physical Body gives creative expression to the Interactive Emotional Body in time and space through its 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses. The Interactive Emotional Body creates with emotion through the 5(+) physical senses and records the impact of all incoming data through the 5(-) physical senses. The one-dimensional Interactive Emotional Body simultaneously creates and records while the one-dimensional interactive physical experience is naturally unfolding in time and space with another life form or thing.
The Interactive Emotional Body is always 1 of 2 one-dimensional physical components in a one-dimensional interactive physical experience that is being co-created in time and space. The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Conscious Physical Body is multi-dimensional within itself, but it can only ever be one-dimensional when it is creatively moving through the Interactive Emotional Body. The Interactive Emotional Body only expresses itself within time and space when it is co-creating with another life form or thing.
In the very beginning, The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell is multi-dimensional within itself, and it releases waste products through a one-dimensional interactive physical experience with the placental membrane and uterus. The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell also takes in nutrients through a one-dimensional interactive physical experience with the placental membrane and uterus. (Fig. 2)
The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell never sees or interacts with the uterus directly. It only ever interacts within its own physical experience of being connected to the placental membrane. The uterus never sees or interacts with the Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell directly. It only ever interacts within its own physical experience of being connected to the placental membrane. (Fig. 3a, Fig. 3b)

By Life Consciousness’ Blueprint, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell is solely focused on bringing itself into creative form through ongoing one-dimensional interactive physical experiences between itself and another life form or thing.
The developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell co-creates an electrically charged interactive physical experience, where it gives up something - an action or some language-based information from birth, onward - for the other life form or thing to use to develop its own self-created and self-directed consciousness. At the exact same time, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell receives something – an action or some language-based information from birth, onward - from the other life form or thing that it can use to develop its own self-created and self-directed consciousness and bring itself into creative form.
According to the Life Consciousness/Body:Human Blueprint, in the very beginning (Fig. 3--2), the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell must release something from within itself to the outer edge of its formless form, through the (+) charged interactive physical experience with the placental membrane, in order to receive something (Fig. 3--3) through the (-) charged physical interactive experience with the placental membrane.
The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell must release something first, before it can receive something. What the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness Whole Cell releases and receives is entirely controlled by the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness.

As illustrated in Fig. 4 (above), according to the Life Consciousness/Body:Human Blueprint, from birth onward, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness (#1)/Conscious Physical Body (#2) creates and delivers an action or a thought into the co-creative interactive physical experience through the Interactive Emotional Body’s (#3) 5(+) physical senses. At the exact same time, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness/Conscious Physical Body records its action or thought, as well as the impact from the action or thought from the other co-creative life form or thing (#4) in the interactive physical experience, through the Interactive Emotional Body’s 5(-) physical senses.
By implementing and following the Life Consciousness/Body:Human Blueprint as it is naturally laid out from before and including conception, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness is in alignment and in harmony with itself and with other life forms and things beyond it in time and space. By following its own self-directed and self-expressed step-by-step story, threaded together from ongoing co-creative one-dimensional interactive physical experiences, it would be able to develop its own unique DNA Consciousness and use the all-inclusive Life Consciousness Creative Energy to create the world that it would choose to live in and experience for itself from moment to moment.
Whatever the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates within itself from the recorded one-dimensional interactive physical experiences that it has co-created in time and space with another life form or thing, the developing Body:Human DNA Consciousness can use to consciously open itself to all that it always has been from its very beginning: the physical embodiment of Life Consciousness’ Creative Energy.