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Whole Person Paradigm

The Experiential Mental Body


Conscious Physical Body Mandala



   Experiential Mental Body




Within and through the DNA Consciousness, the Interactive Emotional Body is given creative expression in time and space through the Conscious Physical Body. The Experiential Mental Body is given creative expression within the Conscious Physical Body.

I am the Life Consciousness ordained and sustained electrically charged Body:Human
DNA Consciousness whole cell.




Who Am I?

I am the Experiential Mental Body. I record and play back, without judgment or comparison, the actual physical experience the Interactive Emotional Body had through the Conscious Physical Body in time and space with another one-dimensional thing or life form component.

Where did I come from?

In the beginning, at conception, Life Consciousness ordained the Body:Human Consciousness within the Blue Arc Portal. The Body:Human Consciousness ordained my unique Body:Human DNA Consciousness through an emotionally charged interactive physical experience by the (-) charged egg and (+) charged sperm in the fallopian tube of the Body:Human female host.

The Body:Human DNA Consciousness gives creative expression to the Experiential Mental Body within and through the Conscious Physical Body. The creative life journey of the Experiential Mental Body began at birth, when the Body:Human DNA Consciousness activated the Interactive Emotional Body in time and space through the 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses of the Conscious Physical body. The Interactive Emotional Body created and recorded each interactive physical experience it co-created in time and space with another life form or thing.

The Body:Human DNA Consciousness Blueprint creatively manifests a formless functional interpreter within the frontal lobe of the Conscious Physical Body’s brain. The interpreter processes and organizes all incoming data collected from each emotionally charged interactive physical experience in time and space.

The Experiential Mental Body interpreter plays back the actual physical experience the Interactive Emotional Body co-created in time and space through the Conscious Physical Body. The Experiential Mental Body creates the direction of movement for the Conscious Physical Body to move in.

What am I doing here?

Within the frontal area of the Conscious Physical Body’s  brain matrix, the Body:Human DNA Consciousness created a developing consciousness ‘interpreter’ that uses the 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses to express, record, process, organize, and determine the purpose of all created and recorded physical experiences in time and space.

I am here to record and play back (for myself) my own unique emotionally charged interactive physical experiences in time and space. By following my own story, and playing back the actual physical experiences I have with all one-dimensional characters and things I interact with in time and space, I can develop my own consciousness through my own design and in my own timing. By using the interpreter, I can develop my own consciousness and create my own unique conscious form of movement—physically, emotionally and mentally - as I travel along my life journey.


Practical Application of this Paradigm

As an example, I will use the experience of rowing as described under the Conscious Physical Body.

Once the rowing experience is over, the total experience is filed away in the frontal area of the Conscious Physical Body’s brain matrix, along the timeline of the Experiential Mental Body’s developing consciousness. This is where the Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates and sustains a developing consciousness interpreter, to process, organize, and determine the purpose of each created and recorded interactive physical experience in time and space.

The Conscious Physical Body’s Mental Body will refer back to the experience of rowing at a later time and relive it, entirely. The recorded one-dimensional interactive physical experience becomes the tool that is used to develop the DNA Consciousness’ creative consciousness. How the interpreter uses the experience, and the one-dimensional characters that were interacted with, solely determines how the DNA creative consciousness will be developed.

The Experiential Mental Body recalls the actual physical experience, always beginning with the Conscious Physical Body’s movements. In the example of rowing, the developing consciousness within the Experiential Mental Body is the observer to what the Conscious Physical Body did from the beginning of the experience; from when the original thought was initiated through the Experiential Mental Body to get the boat and take it down to the water.

The developing consciousness within the Experiential Mental Body would see itself as ‘I’ through the movements of the Conscious Physical Body when recalling and playing back the physical experience. It would see the experience like this: I walked to the boat house, down the aisle and stood beside the shelf where the boat was secured. I lifted the shell and carried it to the opening of the boat house. I was holding the boat above my head, waiting for an opening in the large crowd so I could move toward the inspection area, have my boat checked, and pick up my lane number for the event.

The Experiential Mental Body observer ‘I’ would also be an observer to the emotionally charged interactive physical experience the Interactive Emotional Body co-created with another life form or thing in time and space. The ‘I’ would know that the Interactive Emotional Body is always just 1 of 2 one-dimensional physical characters that co-create the unfolding physical experience that is shaped by time and space.

In recalling the actual recorded physical experience, the ‘I’ would recall it like this: I carried my boat to the inspection area and you came up to me and asked me which event I was entered. I told you which event and you motioned for me to move to the dock area as you handed me the lane number. I proceeded to the dock, slowly placing my boat in the water.

The ‘I’ will always see ‘I’ first, then ‘you’, and it will always refer to the actual physical experience and not the content that is going on between the two characters co-creating the unfolding experience.

As the recalled experience advanced, the ‘I’ would see the Conscious Physical Body in the boat at the start position, going through its questions/answers, aligning and integrating the three bodies into one, readying itself for the creative moment when the boat would begin moving through the water.
As the event got under way, the ‘I’ would observe the Conscious Physical Body moving the boat through the water, stroke by stroke, with no emotion attached to each movement as it was created and released.

As the end point for the timed event was drawing closer, the ‘I’ would recall how the Conscious Physical Body was aware of the other one-dimensional characters moving beyond him, participating in the rowing event. The ‘I’ would observe how the Experiential Mental Body used these one-dimensional characters creatively to increase the flow of the Life Consciousness Creative Energies by increasing the intensity of the pace.

The ‘I’ would also recall how the Experiential Mental Body within the Conscious Physical Body created all the one-dimensional characters in the emotionally charged interactive physical experience in order to open to the limitless Creative Energies that are possible to utilize while the event was progressing.
The Mental Body observer ‘I’ would never judge or compare what the Conscious Physical Body did through the whole recorded experience. The ‘I’ knows that the Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies were aligned and integrated in the creative unfolding of the event, from start to finish.

The Experiential Mental Body ‘I’ observer would also recall the actual recorded physical experience and purposefully manipulate the one-dimensional characters roles and dialogues (within himself only) in order to extract other possible illusionary realities to aid him in developing his multi-dimensional consciousness. The ‘I’ would know that what it was putting together could never be the reality of who the one-dimensional character is in the life it is creating for itself, through its own developing consciousness.

When the Mental Body observer ‘I’ was finished creating the illusionary realities from the recorded physical experience, he would remind himself that the only part that is real is the one-dimensional interactive physical experience that the Conscious Physical Body embodied in time and space: the actual rowing event.



I am the Experiential Mental Body. I have been given creative expression by the Body:Human DNA Consciousness through the alignment and integration of the Conscious Physical Body and Interactive Emotional Body. I play back the actual physical experience the Interactive Emotional Body co-created with another life form or thing in time and space. The Interactive Emotional Body is always just 1 of 2 components in a physical experience in time and space.

From the actual recorded interactive physical experience, the Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates and activates an Experiential Mental Body interpreter, that records, processes, organizes and determines the purpose for all incoming data recorded through the Interactive Emotional Body’s 5(+) and 5(-) .

The Body:Human DNA Consciousness creates and activates, within the Conscious Physical body, an Experiential Mental Body interpreter, that creates a (-) to (+) polarized thinking process based entirely on all incoming word-based data recorded through the Interactive Emotional Body’s 5(+) and 5(-) physical senses. The interpreter will use this thinking process to help create a direction  to move in order to develop my conscious  through how I use my thoughts to create my reality.


